It has been a week since you registered with This is Kent Jobs and we hope you're finding it helpful with your job hunting.
It has been a week since you registered with This is Kent Jobs and we hope you're finding it helpful with your job hunting. If you'd like a little extra help with your search you can take advantage of this free service: Make your CV searchable: add your CV to our searchable CV database and sit back and let the recruiters come to you Why not make your CV searchable now? If you need assistance with any of the services on This is Kent Jobs or would like to make suggestions on how we can improve, we would love to hear from you. Contact us at Good luck with your job hunting, The This is Kent Jobs Team If you need any help with our service please see our FAQs This is Kent Jobs is operated by Jobsite (UK) Worldwide Ltd. Registered office: Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT. Registered in England & Wales under company number 3097157. Copyright © Jobsite UK (Worldwide) Limited. All rights reserved. Terms and Conditions Privacy Statement unsubscribe from future emails